Bird Watching

bird watchingTransitional to the East African Savannah and the western rain forests .Uganda is Africa’s most complete bird watching destination, with more than 1,000 species recorded within an area comparable to that of Great Britain.

Specialist birding tours through western Uganda routinely notch up an incredible tally of 400 species within two weeks, while enthusiastic amateurs might reasonably hope to aim for 300 species within the same time.

For dedicated ornithologists, Uganda’s prime attraction is the presence of more than 100 West African forest species at the most easterly – and most accessible – extent of their range.
This alluring list of forest specialists includes the psychedelic Great Blue Turaco and the raucous Black and white Casqued Hornbill, as well as the gem – like Green Broad bill and 23 other species endemic to the Albertine rift .Uganda is the best place to see what many rate as the most sought after African bird: the shoe bill, a massive prehistoric – looking swamp – dweller notable for its heavy clog shaped bill.

Birdlife is prolific throughout Uganda , but certain key sites should be included in any ornithological itinerary .In the west , these include Bwindi National PARK FOR Albertine Rift endemics , Queen Elizabeth national park for a peerless checklist of 600 species, Semuliki national park for Congo Basin endemics , Mabamba swamp near Entebbe for shoe bill , community run guided trail� through Bigodi wetland near Kibale Forest for Great Blue Turaco� and other colorful forest birds , and Murchison falls National Park for savannah specialists such as Abyssinian Ground Hornbill , Red Throated bee eater and Dedham’s Bustard. A key birding location in eastern Uganda is Lake Bisina, a stronghold for the endemic Fox’s weaver as well as papyrus – dwellers such as shoebill and papyrus Gonolek