A Medley of Wonders

Uganda’s most scenic and diverse park enjoys a fabulous location on the floor of the Albelrtine Rift Valley, 914m above sea level, at the foot of the 5,100m Rwenzori Mountains. Varied habitats, the 40km Kazinga Channel which connects lake George and Edward, open savanna, acacia woodland, closed forest and vast wetlands support an impressive 95 mammal species and over 600 species of birds a remarkable total for a park that is less than 2,000 sq km in area and is surpassed in Africa only by the neighboring and large Virunga National Park in Congo.

Chimp tracking

Take a guided walk through the park’s green, tranquil and beautiful Kyambura forest and observe the drama in the lives of primates like chimpanzees and Vervet Monkeys as they dance and charter in the trees.

Crater drive

These unique points are a source of water for the park’s animals and at certain seasons a magnet for flocks of Flamingos. The craters are overwhelmingly yet sublimely beautiful and the Lakes are magically enchanting one of nature’s stunning grand design.

Camping adventure

Delve into the luxuriant ever green Kyambura underground forest; with its 22 resident chimpanzees chattering and hopping among the trees and a variety of birds all for your viewing.

Tree Climbing Lions

Unique and uncommon, these creatures climb trees to take naps and cool off; exceptional creatures and existent only in some parks in Tanzania and Uganda. A weekend off to Queen Elizabeth park will leave you thrilled at the sight of Ishasa’s tree climbing Lions.

Unrivaled bird watching

The scenic splendor and spectacular contrasting country side of Queen Elizabeth is a shelter for more than half of the 1,000 stunning bird species in Uganda. The skies are punctuated with different birds in various color montages and sizes. Water birds can be seen nesting on the banks of the Kazinga Channel while land birds can be seen during nature walks. All these merge to make this park an exceptional tourist destination.

Animals of the lake

Derived from a Greek word meaning ‘river horse’, hippos are water loving herbivorous animals who take pleasure in cooling off in water during the day and emerging at night to feed. A visit to Queen Elizabeth national park will grant you the opportunity to see these magnificent creatures in big numbers.